Excel Tutorial: Review Ribbon Tab

Tutorial Code: BE11


The “Review” ribbon is the 7th tab at the top header of the Excel application of Microsoft 365. The “Review” tab contains various tools and options for reviewing, proofreading, and collaborating on your Excel worksheets. It offers features to check spelling, add comments, protect worksheets, track changes, and manage workbook versions.

Review Ribbon Header Tab - Excel HippoHere are the 9 groups that you will find in the “Review Ribbon” tab of Microsoft 365:

  1. Proofing
  2. Accessibility
  3. Insights
  4. Language
  5. Changes
  7. Notes
  8. Protect
  9. Ink

1.   Proofing:

Proofing: This group provides you with the tools for proofreading and checking for the spelling of your workbook content and it allows you to access the thesaurus for alternative words. There are three command buttons in this group.

  1. Spelling: you can use this command button to check the spelling of your text.
  2. Thesaurus: This button will help you to find the alternative or you can say the synonyms of the existing word.
  3. Workbook Statistics: automatically count cells, tables, formulas, and charts in a workbook.

2.   Accessibility:

Accessibility: This group helps in improving the accessibility of the Excel spreadsheet for users with disabilities. This feature makes the workbook more easily accessible, readable, and navigable.

The main features of this group are:

  1. Check Accessibility: This command scans the entire workbook to identify accessibility issues such as if there is no sheet name available, just the default “sheet 1” is there.
  2. Alt Text: This helps you to add or edit alternative text for images, charts, and tables in the workbook.
  3. Format As table: Help you to fix or modify the formatting of the tables.
  4. Unmerge Cells: This helps you to unmerge the cells within the workbook.
  5. Options: Accessibility: This provides you with the option to customize your accessibility features.

3.   Insights

  1. Smart Lookup: you can search definitions, images, and web pages from various online sources.

4.   Language

  1. Translate: you can use it to translate the selected text to another language.

5.   Changes

Changes: This feature helps you to track changes made to the workbook by all the contributors by highlighting modifications such as cell edits, insertions, deletions, and formatting changes. You can review these changes and accept or reject them individually.


Comments: The “Comments” group allows you to insert, edit, and delete comments on specific cells or ranges. Comments are useful for adding notes or explanations to your data.

  1. New Comments: To add a new comment to the selected part of the document.
  2. Delete: To delete a comment.
  3. Previous: To view the previous comment.
  4. Next: Jump to the next comment.
  5. Show/Hide Comment: Show or hide a comment.
  6. Show All Comments: Show all hidden comments.
  7. Show Ink:

7.   Notes


This is used to add a note about any part of the document. It has the following options.

  1. New note: This adds a new note to the document.
  2. Previous Note: Here you can view the previous note.
  3. Next Note: and the next note.
  4. Show/hide Note: Show or hide a note.
  5. Show all Notes: Show all hidden notes.
  6. Convert to Comments: Converting a note to comment.

8.   Protect

Changes: This group offers tools for tracking changes made to the workbook, reviewing changes made by others, and accepting or rejecting those changes.

  1. Protect Sheet: Preventing unwanted changes from others by limiting their ability to edit the document.
  2. Protect Workbook: Prevent others from making structural changes such as moving, adding, or deleting an entire sheet.
  3. Allow edit Ranges: Set password for the selected cell ranges and limit others to view and edit the ranges.
  4. Unshare workbook: Unshare a workbook.

9.   Ink

  1. Hide Ink: Used to hide Ink.
  2. Delete All Ink on Sheet: Using this option you can delete all the Ink on a sheet.
  3. Delete All Ink on Workbook: Delete all the Ink in the workbook.

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About the Author: Excel Hippo

People don’t have clue about what and where to learn Excel from. We have created step by step business cases driven learning modules for them, so that they become super proficient in MS Excel.